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Boyue Attend 2018 International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics

Release time:2018-12-11Visit:969

       November 6th-9th , Boyue Instruments participated in the 2018 International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics. This international seminar held by Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Research Society of Science and Technology of Ancient Ceramics. Boyue Instruments committed to providing material analysis solutions. During this seminar our application specialist introduce our products: Handheld XRF Spectrometer Tracer 5 ,Portable Micro-XRF Spectrometer ELIO, Micro-XRF Spectrometer M4 TORNADO, Large Area Micro X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, Portable μ-XRF Spectrometer ARTAX.

       Art and Archaeology Global Manager Mr. Michele honored to be invited as the speaker attended this seminar. And Mr. Michele introduce the Solutions of analyzing ancient ceramic by Bruker micro-XRF.

Attendee take photo                                                       Boyue Booth

                                                                 Mr. Michele presentation                                                                                                         Q&A time

Exhibitor instrument:

Portable Micro-XRF Spectrometer

The portable X-ray fluorescence solution for elemental analysis of large objects

The ELIO is a compact and portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for reliable non-contact and non-destructive elemental analysis of valuable materials. It delivers high performance, accuracy and precision in the most demanding applications. The ELIO accelerates state-of-the-art in XRF analytical instrumentation with truly portable elemental map acquisition incorporating CUBE technology, accurate spot positioning, straightforward add-on hardware and mapping software.

ELIO's software display is user configurable and shows the spectrum and the element concentration while the acquisition is running. In the same screen, the user can monitor other technical information as well as the sample image taken by video cameras.

Exploratory GeoChemistry with Tracer XRF

       The Tracer X-ray fluorescence (XRF) system is unique amongst handheld units; energy, current, filter, and even the atmosphere (vacuum/helium) can be changed to optimize for elements ranging Na (11) to U (92). In addition to this, users can recalibrate the machine with additional reference standards to provide empirical, tailored analysis. The Tracer can function as a point?and-shoot in the field and a fully customizable spectrometer in the laboratory.

       Tracer’s light element measurement capability extends the reach of handheld XRF from base metals and major/trace elements to critical element ratios with sodium, aluminum, silicon, potassium and calcium. This combined with sophisticated XRF spectral analysis capabilities helps geoscientists determine where to find natural resources such as precious metals, minerals, oil and gas.

Bruker M6 JETSTREAM is designed for the nondestructive elemental analysis of large samples. 

Very often samples need to be positioned horizontally for analysis. This can be the case either for cultural heritage samples like manuscripts as well as for 
large material analysis objects like solar cells, geological samples, etc. For this purpose the upper part of the instrument with the spectrometer head can be 
tilted by 90° for measuring in a top-down geometry. In this mode the sample has to be positioned on a stage, the height 
of which has to be adjusted according to the thickness of the sample.
Application example:
Analysis of a drill coreDrill cores are collected for various purposes and from different sites. Their examination can provide information on e.g.
·  geo-history through their structure
·  the sequences of rocks and sediments
·  the paleo-climatological development through sediment layers.
Both line scan and mapping measurement modes are useful for the analysis of drill cores, as shown in the figure below.

μ-XRF with the M4 TORNADO by Bruker

For some years μ-XRF (micro-XRF) has been established as powerful tool for determining the elemental composition of small samples –particles, inclusions or only parts of inhomogeneous 
samples – and the elemental distribution with high sensitivity. One of the benefits of this method?is the easy sample preparation that results in a short time to results. Also the possibility to analyze 
large sample areas is an advantage over other analytical methods.

Especially the ability to measure with highest count rates allows distribution analysis with high speed and good spatial resolution. This is required for the analysis of different sample types. This book provides a brief overview of the variety of applications the M4 TORNADO is suitable for:

·  materials science, in particular quality control in micro-electronics, both for the analysis of bulk composition and of multi-layer systems
·  geosciences, where it is proven impressively, that large samples can be analyzed in short time with high resolution 
·  archeometric examination of art objects 
·  solutions for forensic problems
·  determination of the distribution of essential or toxic elements in biological objects. 


Click to learn more product information.

Contact our application team immediately: 021-37018108, info@boyuesh.com 



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