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Boyue Instruments Showing in SNEC 2019

Release time:2019-06-19Visit:813
       SNEC 13th (2019) International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition [SNEC PV POWER EXPO] have hold in Shanghai, China, on June 4-6, 2019.
       Boyue Instruments as exhibitor several years.In this year we take our products Bruker Dektak XT and Dektak XTL,Bruker's Dektak® stylus profilers are the product of over four decades of proprietary technology advances. They provide repeatable, accurate measurements on varied surfaces, from traditional 2D roughness surface characterization and step height measurements to advanced 3D mapping and film stress analyses.
Dektak surface profilers have been widely accepted as a superior solution for measuring thin film thickness, stress, and surface roughness and form in applications ranging from educational research verification to semiconductor process control. More recently, Dektak systems have served as superior characterization tools for the growing solar cell market, and have been adopted by many major photovoltaic solar cell manufacturers.
       Fast, accurate and non-destructive analysis of coatings and metallic multilayer stacks with Bruker's tabletop Micro-XRF spectrometers.Micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (Micro-XRF) M4 TORNADO,coating analysis M1 MISTRAL and M2 BLIZZARD.
       Besides surface analysis products,Boyue Instruments also provides professional test solutions for the Solar PV industry--Seaward solar PV Test Equipment.The Seaward Solar PV testing product range has been developed to enable PV installers to quickly, easily and comprehensively ensure the electrical integrity of PV systems. Dedicated software and accessories support the PV150 electrical tester to provide system documentation, traceability of results and easy ‘plug and play’ connections to PV systems.In the exhibition we show PV200 Solar Installation Test Kit & I-V Curve Tracer,Solar Utility Pro 1500V 40A String Checker.

Click to learn more product information.

Contact our application team immediately: 021-37018108, info@boyuesh.com 



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