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DANTE DPP (digital pulse processor)

Brand:Bruker XGLAB

Place of Origin:Germany


Keyword tag:digital pulse processor,DPP, X and Gamma ray spectroscopy
021-37018108Online Message

Versatile Architecture digital pulse processor system for many kinds of detectors, designed for X and Gamma ray spectroscopy.

General design approach

· Provide best possible energy resolution.

· Provide good performance at fast count-rate.

· Handle very-high input count-rate.

· Optimized to be used in combination with CUBE.

· Reconfigurable and adaptable to several applications.

· Programmable trapezoidal digital filtering.

DANTE DPP - Main functionality

· Full-spectra acquisition system

· List (Event) mode operation with time-stamp

· Advance triggering system with gating, VETO, or any digital bus

· Burst spectra mode with individual spectrum logging via I/O bus

· Digital wave-scanner for direct preamplifier acquisition (in debug mode)

· Effective for lab instrumentation, scientific experiment, or as OEM component

· Daisy-chain mode enable to scale-up the system to large number of DPP channels with relatively small equipment.

· DAQ user interface, simple DLL libraries, or LabVIEW

Digital Pulse Processor Technical specifications


· Input signal: Pulsed reset (positive or negative polarity)

· Dynamic: (typ: +/- 1.5V).

· Analog gain: hardware selectable.

· Digital gain: available for fine-tuning desired gain.

· Input impedance: high or 50 Ohm.

· Connectors: coaxial SMA or LEMO for analog input, coaxial SMA of LEMO digital input or output, 2mm header for logical triggering (for elemental mapping synchronization).

· Maximum input rate: 10 Mcps.

· Maximum output rate: 1.8 Mcps @ ICR of 5 Mcps


· Output info: Input Count Rate, Output Count rate, live-time.

· Output signals: Real time trigger

· Spectrum acquisition: typ 4K channels (expandable)

· Individual event time-stamp: 8ns precision

· Full-waveform input acquisition: length up to hundreds milliseconds at max speed (62.5 MHz).


· Peaking times: selectable down to 32ns.

· Flat top: selectable down to 32ns.

· Spectra acquisition down to 1ms in burst mode.

· Zero dead-time between two subsequent spectra.

· Stable operation above 95% dead-time.


· Very compact single-board DPP design: 10 cm x 6 cm.

· Low power consumption: 3 W

· Advance triggering system with gating, VETO, or any digital bus

· Burst spectra mode with individual spectrum logging via I/O bus

· USB 2.0 or Ethernet TCP/IP

· Simple DLL libraries, Graphical User Interface or LabView VIs.



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